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Springfield Falls: From Winter to Spring, Mercer County

We are frequently traveling by Springfield Falls (Leesburg Falls) in Mercer County. This is a gorgeous set of falls that is located pretty close to Grove City. Since Brit's family is from Ithaca, NY, we are often driving up 79, in addition to stopping in Grove City sometimes for shopping, or popping up to Conneaut Lake Park or Waldameer for some coaster rides in the summer. We frequently end up stopping at Springfield Falls since it is in such close proximity to I-79, and due to the fact that it is located very close to the road. We stopped by the falls both in December 2015 and January 2016, to check out the falls, for my version of personification for Mother Nature's sculpting skills is shown in the way waterfalls freeze into many different shapes. The ice that forms on waterfalls looks drastically different each year, and seeing these differences is one of my favorite pastimes.
Springfield Falls!
The view from above!
Now down to the bottom. The sun had set and the light was waning fast. This was relatively heavy flow for Springfield Falls. It was beautiful. It had some real roaring action going, and it even stirred up some cool wind from the water falling. Sadly you cannot convey the feeling of a cool breeze coming off of a waterfall by way of a photo. This is such a fun little set of falls.
Now to the baby icicles and lower flow in December of 2015
Springfield Falls in December 2015
Now to the view of these falls in the middle of last February. Beautiful!
Frozen Springfield Falls in January 2016. Mother Nature's sculpting is absolutely gorgeous. Now let's compare this view with February of 2015
This view from February of 2015 shows just how different the ice can form in any given year.
Back to January of 2016 now. I love this set of falls.
If you are in the Grove City area and need a minute to take in some fresh air, Springfield Falls is definitely an awesome place to check out. It is very easy to access. Here are the coordinates for the falls, in addition to a map showing their location. 
41.1439° N, 80.2215° W

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