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Buttermilk Falls, Indiana County, PA

So we visited our third "Buttermilk Falls," with the other two being the famous one up in Ithaca, NY, and the other being in Beaver County, PA. This Buttermilk Falls is supposed to be the tallest set of falls in Western Pennsylvania. It is also very special because it once had a cottage where Fred Rogers spent much of his childhood. Many of the ideas that he came up with for his show, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, were conceived on this tranquil property.
 It is that odd moment in the year where it does not really feel like any season. The fall leaves lie on the ground, some snow and ice still remains, but the temperatures are in the 50s. 
 Some of the fall leaves are still intact on the trees even.

 The view from the top
 Not too far down
The community has opened this land up into a public park, for everyone to enjoy the falls. They were nice enough to even make a handicap accessible viewing platform, so that all can enjoy the beauty of these falls. 
 We didn't venture up the gorge, but there is a series of two or three small waterfalls further up the gorge from the largest set of falls. 
This is a nice set of falls in a very tranquil area. If I lived closer to these falls, I would definitely spend some more time there. It seems like a great place to take a couple of chairs to and have a picnic lunch. It is great to see that the community has come together to open this natural beauty up to the public. 


Wilkes Barre High School 1909 Postcard

I ran into this old postcard, thinking that it may have been an old image of the classic EL Meyers High School in Wilkes Barre. . 
"High School, Wilkes Barre, Pa."
Published by F. M. Kirby. Made in U. S. A.

"I am trying to be good. it is hard for they are all like Mayme.
I bet they won't be quite Sunday when I'm not there."
Miss Cecel Danials
Sayre, PA
Postmarked 1909


Allegheny and Kiskiminitas River Junction Ice Jam, March 8th, 2015

So there is an interesting sight to see right now at the junction of the Allegheny and Kisiminitas River junction. An ice jam has formed. Thankfully the flow is not impeded at this point. The depth of the jam seems to be about four feet. I hope that it gradually clears and no blockage occurs, for Freeport is within a mile of the jam. 
We probably spent a good half hour just observing everything. There is so much to see with this strange phenomenon. With the temps in the forties, it was also nice to just be outdoors and not be bundled up. 
 Thankfully there are no major rain events in the forecast. A similar situation to this happened back in 1996 on the Susquehanna in Harrisburg, and it took out this bridge

 Some flow showing in the jam. 

 There is something strange and mesmerizing in looking at the jammed up ice.
 Huge chunks of ice
 The point at which the Allegheny and Kiskiminitas Rivers meet

 From the dam lock
 Looking down the Allegheny
 Lots of debris caught up in the ice flow. 
 The intersection point again. You can see that the entire point area and trees have been overcome with flooded ice.
Looking up the Kiski River
 About a quarter mile down river where the ice jam starts.
There is unimpeded flow off to the side. Hopefully it stays this way in order to prevent a flood.


St. Stanislaus Kostka Church

Today we take a look at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, a Catholic Polish Cathedral. The congregation was first organized in 1873 when an influx of Polish immigrants ended up working in the Strip District of Pittsburgh. This gem of a building was built in 1891. This building has survived major floods and even an explosion at the neighboring banana ripening plant. In 1969, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, later to be ordained as Pope John Paul II, visited the church. 

The stunning stained glass windows were crafted in Munich Germany.
In addition to church services, the parish often has pyrohi sales. Their pyrohi are among the best in the city!

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